Steve Jobs: You Had Me At Macintosh Plus

Steve Jobs---1955-2011

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever."

10 years after Jobs began his legacy of reinventing how we communicate and entertain, I began my Apple- loving journey.

Macintosh Plus    •  Macintosh IIci  •  e Mac  •  i Mac  •  MacBook  •  i Pod  •  iPad 2

Not only was my college job dedicated to learning everything "Apple", after graduation, I adopted the platform for studying, practicing, and teaching "desktop publishing" and educating myself about digital color and pagination. 
Macintosh Plus

As my skills (and pocketbook) increased, I began my collection of Mac products! I have surreal memories of our Macintosh Plus sitting on our card table in a basement apartment surrounded by exposed pipes substituting for a clothes closet! We were the "cool" couple (and a bit embarrassed owning such an expensive computer during college).

Mac II ci
In 1990, spending over $3,000 on the latest and greatest MAC II ci was a HUGE budget dip, but so worth the investment. This machine propelled me into a short career in marketing, sales, and training--very necessary in supporting a student-husband! I saw many Mac fans, both family and friends, question the direction of the company with the firing of the founder of Apple and some jumped shipped and purchased other equipment, but not this loyal consumer!
The late '90's internet revolution demanded that our machine support such a powerful tool and so we dipped again into the budget for the eMac--the first "one-piece"--weighing in at over 50 pounds! (still in my basement!)
During the decade of 2000, our family grew and so did my responsibilities as their mother. Keeping up with technology to document, organize, communicate, and share the events of our lives was a necessity to me and this iMac helped ease the growing pains!
i Pod Touch

iPad 2

Mobility makes so much of my mothering easier these days and the i Pod Touch and MacBook propel me to be my very best and serve the needs of my family, friends and local and global community! (this blog created primarily on my MacBook)

During the 25-year love affair I have had with this company, I have mostly experienced only minor computer down-time as a result of diet coke spilled on a keyboard or a keyboard jammed with a miniature Luke Skywalker light saber! The one time I experienced a major machine malfunction, Apple replaced the entire unit with an upgraded and new computer and FREE extended warranty plan!

Next week, when the I Phone 4S is made available to Sprint, my loyalty to all things Apple will continue with a vengeance.....
I Phone 4s
...because someday, MAYBE, my loyalty and my money will contribute to the on-going battle to conquer pancreatic cancer and thereby help prevent the premature death of other geniuses.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” 
                                           ― Albert Einstein

Thank you, Steve Jobs and Apple for imagining products through which I find such personal fulfillment (okay, maybe not personal genius, but it suffices!).  You have helped make my jobs and hobbies enjoyable. So I say, go out and find your area of genius- where you sparkle and shine.

"Live each day as if it were your last."

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