Stumbling into a cadbury "prize" depends on how fast you go!

My exuberant daughter is seen in this video "stumbling" on an Easter candy prize! 

How many times a day do we "stumble" into something because we were running so quickly through our day? 

--a fantastic sale on a needed item
--discovering a long-lost "hidden" treasure we stored away in a SAFE place 
--the other half of a favorite pair of shoes
-- cadbury eggs frozen in your freezer (bought for a $1 after Easter)
--a UPS package on our doorstep
--our children quietly engaging in a game together
--a spontaneous hug from a teenage son
--a hand-made card created by a kindergartener who is now in college
--a birthday card from a grandmother no longer living

These are "prizes" and when we take a moment to treasure them, are daily "runnings" are validated and we are affirmed of our divine callings as mothers!

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